2007년 12월 18일 화요일

Manito game★

Two weeks ago, we started a game. The name of game is 'Manito'. 'Manito' is an Italian language and it means secret friend. Another meaning of Manito is a guardian angel. Manito must behave secretly, and no one knows who is my Manito.

Manito was decided by lot. The person who picked up my name is my Manito. If Tom picked up my name, he is my Manito. Then he must behave secretly to me all of his mission.

Any actions can be a mission. He could send a massages to me, but his phone number is changed another random number. The import of a massage is "The weather is so nice!" or "Have a nice day!" and so on. Another mission is the present. He could give me a present secretly, then I'll be anxious to know who he/she is. When he was detected by me, the game is over.

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